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Emergency Medicine

Townsend Emergency Medical Center

Day Kimball Hospital | 320 Pomfret Street, Putnam, CT 06260
(860) 928-7503 | If you are experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911 
TTY: (860) 963-6345 | Fax: (860) 928-6368
Open 24/7, 365 days per year | Get directions > (opens in a new tab) 


当你或你所爱的人有医疗紧急情况,汤森德紧急医疗中心在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些在这里为您提供快速获得最好的护理,在一个现代化和舒适的环境. Our Emergency Department (ED) serves well over 20,每年有来自康涅狄格以及附近的罗德岛州和马萨诸塞州的1000人.

我们为所有年龄和所有类型的疾病和受伤的患者提供特殊的护理, including first-rate care for heart attack and stroke. Our newly renovated facility offers the best in technology, 舒适和隐私,以及生命之星和生命飞行重症监护直升机服务,为需要在三级医疗机构接受治疗的病人提供空运服务. 

High Quality Care, in a Caring Community Environment

  • 98% of our patients say 他们要么对他们的整体体验感到满意,要么非常满意,并会向家人和朋友推荐戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些急诊科, according to Qualitick Client IQ survey data.
  • Lowest average door-to-provider time among all Connecticut hospitals at just 13 minutes. That's nearly half the national average. And our average door-to-pain medication time is 40 minutes, nearly 40% faster than the state and national average. (source: Medicare's Hospital Compare website)
  • Our ED nurses are certified 高级心脏生命支持和高级儿科生命支持.
  • Our ED physicians are experts in emergency care from NES Health, 在紧急医疗护理管理方面处于全国领先地位. 瓦妮莎·布朗,戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些急诊科的医学主任,以及 Dr. Steven Wexler戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些急诊科主任兼NES Health首席医疗官.

Advanced Primary Stroke Center

国内买球的正规网站有哪些获得了联合委员会的金章认可®和美国心脏协会/美国中风协会的心脏检查标志,用于初级中风中心的高级认证,也是CT部门指定的初级中风中心. of Health. 

来到Day Kimball医院急诊室的中风患者比CT和全国平均水平更快地接受专门的中风治疗. 我们的中风护理团队与麻省大学纪念医疗中心的神经科医生合作,使用尖端的床边远程中风视频会议技术,通过床边远程中风视频会议技术快速诊断和治疗中风患者.

Types of Stroke

Vanessa Brown, MD, JD, FACEP, FAAEM, 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些汤森德急救医疗中心的医疗主任, 描述了中风的两大类:缺血性中风(脑缺血)和出血性中风(脑出血)。.

Stroke Risk Factors

Stroke is the fifth highest cause of death in the United States, 所以了解你的风险因素是很重要的——包括可控的和不可控制的. Dr. Vanessa Brown discusses some of the common risk factors for stroke.

Recognizing Stroke Symptoms

Recognizing the warning signs of stroke can save a life. Dr. 凡妮莎·布朗解释了常见的中风症状以及如何使用F.A.S.T. acronym to spot a stroke. Once stroke symptoms have been identified, receiving immediate medical attention is vital for stroke victims.


Advanced Cardiac Care

来到Day Kimball医院急诊科的心脏病患者比CT和全国平均水平更快地接受专门的心脏护理. 我们与马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗中心的合作使来到戴·金博尔E医院的病人.D. 心脏病发作,需要稳定下来,并直接送到麻省大学纪念医疗中心的导管实验室进行立即治疗. 这种伙伴关系使我们的病人获得挽救生命的导尿管护理的平均速度几乎是全国其他社区医院的两倍.

New, State-of-the-Art Facility


  • 24个完全私人的病房,提供最好的隐私,保密和尊严 
  • 宽敞的候诊区,自然采光,为候诊病人及其家属提供舒适宁静的环境
  • 床边登记允许更快和更有效的护理
  • 最先进的两床复苏室,为最危急的病人服务
  • 一个专门的行为健康部门,为行为健康患者提供安全和隐私

What to Expect

病人由急诊科医生或医师助理/执业护士按顺序就诊,首先是根据分诊标准,根据病人病情的严重程度,其次是他们到达的顺序. 等待的病人会定期重新评估,如果病情发生变化,他们的就诊顺序也会改变. 在护士和医生的决定下,允许家人/重要的其他人与患者一起进入检查室.

Important Things to Remember

如果您或您的家人需要等待急诊科服务, 这很可能是因为医务人员正在治疗需要更紧急关注的病人. We ask for your understanding and patience.


Vending machines are located in the Emergency Department. The Hospitality Café, located next to the hospital’s main lobby, is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. 在允许病人吃或喝任何东西之前,请与病人的护士确认.

Pay phones are available in the waiting area. 由于医院使用电子遥测技术,因此在急诊科治疗区域禁止使用手机.


Day Kimball Hospital
320 Pomfret Street
Putnam, CT 06260
Get directions > (opens in a new tab)

Phone: (860) 928-7503
TTY: (860) 963-6345
Fax: (860) 928-6368


24/7, 365 days per year

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